SKY ARTE 2020 – Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta, four centuries of history a journey through time between art delights and water games

It is a journey to discover the beauty and history of one of the Lombard artistic wonders that offered by Sky Arte on Thursday 19 March. Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta – Four centuries of history, a journey through time between art delights and water games, a documentary film directed by Francesco Vitali, written in collaboration with Claudia Botta, is based on the book Profane Milan in the age of the Borromeo by Alessandro Morandotti , produced by Francesco Vitali, Municipality of Lainate, Associazione Amici di Villa Litta, and Roadmovie, describes the events of Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta, in the expectation that, once the global emergency caused by Covid-19 is over, we can go back to strolling in the its halls and its exceptional park.


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ARTRIBUNE / 19 Marzo 2020
Su Sky Arte: la storia di Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta
ARTE.IT/ 12 Maggio 2020
Al Bibiena il docufilm su Villa Litta
ARTE.GO/19 Marzo 2020
Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta, quattro secoli di storia raccontati in un docufilm su Sky Arte
Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta
GQ ITALIA / 28 Febbraio 2020
Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta