Alec & Franz Floating Architectural Spaces

Alec & Franz are artist duo Alec Boreham and Francesco Vitali.

FloatingArchitectural Spaces is their collaborative exploration into the impact of architecture on human wellbeing. A shared appreciation for the histories and stories held within buildings lies at the core of their practice.Intricate and detailed, yet light and abstract, Alec’s hand drawn graphite works are not to be mistaken for architectural blueprints; they celebrate the individual beauty of iconic monuments that were constructed by manual means. Both artists believe that it is this human connection that allows us to recognise a city by its unique landmarks, constellations of domes and spires, minarets and cupolas, evoking a sense of belonging that transcends time and space.

Opulent drawings, deconstructed and reassembled, become self-contained monuments that, detached from their geographical surroundings, appear like spacecraft linking the past with the future. The role of architectural structures asportals linking the various stages of life is further illustrated through a series of colourful prints dedicated to the heritage of Queen Elizabeth II whose iconic silhouette, like that of St Paul’s Cathedral, will be recognised by contemporaries and future generations alike.

The project is rounded off with a set model to illustrate the synergies between classical disciplines and modern technology. Featuring a performance by celebrated Baroque tenor Kieran White. Staged at Cremona Opera House inJune 2023, the installation both contains and is embraced by FloatingArchitectural Spaces.The exhibition coincides with the London Festival of Architecture. Hosted by Bermondsey Project Space Floating Architectural Spaces opens on Tuesday 4June and closes with an artists’ talk on Saturday 8 June.

“The hell of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is the one that is already here, the hell that we live in every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways not to suffer from it. The first it’s easy for many: accepting hell and becoming part of it to the point of no longer seeing it. The second is risky and requires attention: trying and knowing how to recognise who and what, in the midst of hell, is not hell, making it last and giving it space”  Italo Calvino

Meike Brunkhorst